
My Little Heart Went Pit-a-pat; Ma Said “Beware Of Tommy Cat"

 My Little Heart W...

The Farmer

 The Farmer

The Tennis Tournament

 The Tennis Tourna...





Afternoon Refreshments

 Afternoon Refresh...

The Coster’s Cart on the Road to the Races

 The Coster’...



Pleased To Make Your Acquaintance - May I Introduce My Friend the Prince

 Pleased To Make Y...

A Jolly Jack

 A Jolly Jack



Left in Charge

 Left in Charge

A Jolly Christmas

 A Jolly Christmas

We Are So Thankful It Is Not A Meatless Day

 We Are So Thankfu...

Tea and Scandal

 Tea and Scandal

Will You Be Mine?

 Will You Be Mine?



Ambivalence Sprinkles

 Ambivalence Sprin...

Tickets, Please

 Tickets, Please

The Choral Society

 The Choral Society

The Optimist

 The Optimist



Tea Party

 Tea Party

Here's A Christmas Thought To The Lads Who've Fought

 Here's A Chr...

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