Search Help

Catland Help Page

Catland works based on a tagging system that allows you to search for posts tagged with various elements. For example:
  • dog would return every image with a dog.
  • Tags can be combined: bird dog would return every post with both a dog and a bird, and you can combine as many tags as you want to search for specific images. A full list of tags is available here, which includes books, nouns, species, amounts, expressions, locations, years, and more.
  • You can also block tags from appearing in a specific search: -dog cat would return every post that has a cat and also without any dogs and -cat -dog would return everything that doesn’t have either cats or dogs.
  • You can also search the titles of artworks by using quotation marks: "am" “happy” would return everything with the words "am" and "happy" in the title.
For example, if you wanted to look for a crowd of cats, outdoors, with no dogs or birds and with “christmas” in the title, you could search “christmas” -dog -bird cat manysubjects outdoors, and if you wanted all black and white illustrations of realistic birds without cats, you could use -cat bird black_and_white realistic

Advanced Search Help

While not of much use to the average Wainiac, more technical users might want to search by other criteria, such as file size, number and variation of tags, image quality, and more. Catland supports these kinds of queries, too:
  • width>1000 would return every image wider than a thousand pixels. You can also use height<1000 similarly, and can make exact searches too (height=500)
  • To look for posts with exactly 5 tags, you could use height=500. You could also use tags>5 or tags<5 depending on your interest (as well as any other number, of course)
  • An asterisk can be used as a any-length wildcard to search multiple tags that begin or end in the same way. For example, color:b* would return everything starting with "color:b", including color:blue, color:black, or color:brown; *ing will return a variety of creatures in the midst of different tasks, such as reading, writing, holding, and smiling.
  • Searching in a specific order can be accomplished using the format order:field_direction. If you wanted to search from smallest to largest image, you could use order:filesize_desc (by default, it is smallest to largest, order:filesize) You can sort by height, width, filesize, or ID (upload date).
For example, if you wanted to look for a crowd of cats, outdoors, with no dogs or birds and with “christmas” in the title, you could search “christmas” -dog -bird cat manysubjects outdoors, and if you wanted all black and white illustrations of realistic birds without cats, you could use -cat bird black_and_white realistic