
Ambivalence Sprinkles

 Ambivalence Sprin...

The Choral Society

 The Choral Society

Paddling in the Sea

 Paddling in the Sea

The Optimist

 The Optimist



Construction Work

 Construction Work

To-morrow Will Be Friday, We've Caught Rheumatism Today

 To-morrow Will Be...

Here's A Christmas Thought To The Lads Who've Fought

 Here's A Chr...

It's Twins This Time, Thank You

 It's Twins T...





Come, Birdie, Come

 Come, Birdie, Come



To Sylvia From E.

 To Sylvia From E.

Santa Claus in Pussyland

 Santa Claus in Pu...



I Wonder

 I Wonder

The Little Nipper

 The Little Nipper

My Heart Is With You Tonight

 My Heart Is With ...

Mouse Creams

 Mouse Creams

Tea Time

 Tea Time

She's Awfully Pretty

 She's Awfull...

A Toast

 A Toast

Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted

 Trespassers Will ...

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