
Who Are You?

 Who Are You?

Cleaning Up

 Cleaning Up



Little Scholar

 Little Scholar



Accidents Happen

 Accidents Happen

Cleaning Up

 Cleaning Up





Happy to Help

 Happy to Help



The Wicked Thief

 The Wicked Thief

Augustus and the Soup

 Augustus and the ...

Plainly Philip Is Not Able, To Behave Himself At Table!

 Plainly Philip Is...

Fidgety Phil

 Fidgety Phil

Judge: 'I Am Afraid That I Must Give You Six Months

 Judge: 'I Am...

I Am Fond of Champagne, It Is So Inspiring

 I Am Fond of Cham...

It Always Was So

 It Always Was So

No Luggage Allowed

 No Luggage Allowed

(1901) The Dandy Lion-07

 (1901) The Dandy ...

Busy Pussies - Please, Sit, I've Caught Them All

 Busy Pussies - Pl...

How Do You Like My MEW-sic?

 How Do You Like M...

Speak Sardines Speak! (Diner - 'Are These The French Sardines That You Have Given Me,' Irish Waiter - 'Now As Is That I Can't Say, For They Were Pasht Shpaking Whin We Opened The Box')

 Speak Sardines Sp...

Our Entertainer

 Our Entertainer

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