
A Crabby Old Crab

 A Crabby Old Crab

We Are Getting Quite Attatched

 We Are Getting Qu...

I Wish I Were Home

 I Wish I Were Home

By the Sunny Sea - Catching Crabs

 By the Sunny Sea ...

His Mother's Present

 His Mother's...

Fun on the Beach

 Fun on the Beach

They Wouldn’t Have to Work So Hard if Only They Would Row Their Boat in the Direction That the River Means to Go!

 They Wouldn&rsquo...

The Ruling Spirit (Moses: "I Leave All My Money to You In My Will, Josiah" Josiah: "Give Me All Your Loose Money Now, Moses")

 The Ruling Spirit...

Pussies at Work

 Pussies at Work

Merry Times

 Merry Times

V Stands for Venture, and W for Woe

 V Stands for Vent...

A (for Arrival at Sunny Seaside)

 A (for Arrival at...

Cat Row Boating

 Cat Row Boating

Gone Fishing

 Gone Fishing



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