


Much in Little, There’s Nothing in the World So Artful as a Mouse

 Much in Little, T...

The Football Players (Jackson’ Always Scores)

 The Football Play...

Motor-Car Pirates

 Motor-Car Pirates

To Wish You A Merry Christmas

 To Wish You A Mer...

Girls and Boys

 Girls and Boys

An Excellent Idea

 An Excellent Idea

A Right Merry Time to You

 A Right Merry Tim...

When Mum Came Back she Found the Pots left Anything but Clean

 When Mum Came Bac...



Sinbad the Sailor and the Old Man of the Sea

 Sinbad the Sailor...

The Play-Time Mascot

 The Play-Time Mascot

The Visitor's Mascot

 The Visitor'...

The Skipping Mascot

 The Skipping Mascot

The Meal-Time Mascot

 The Meal-Time Mascot

The Dreamland Mascot

 The Dreamland Mascot

The Witty Mascot

 The Witty Mascot

Water Babies

 Water Babies

William Gillette as Sherlock Holmes

 William Gillette ...

The Last of the Dandies

 The Last of the D...

Ladies of the Ballet

 Ladies of the Ballet

We Won't Go Home till Morning

 We Won't Go ...

The Play's the Thing

 The Play's t...

The Introduction

 The Introduction

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