
Pussy Was A Tabby Cat, Pussy Was A Dove, Pussy Came To My Home And Stole My Heart And Love

 Pussy Was A Tabby...

There Is A Horrid Dog On Shore? What Shall I Do? The Water Is Getting So Cold

 There Is A Horrid...

The Sly Puss - Dear Me, No! I Would Not Eat A Canary If I Could See One

 The Sly Puss - De...



No More Tea Left? Give Me Milk Please

 No More Tea Left?...

There Is Some Comfort In Feeling At Home

 There Is Some Com...

Those With Feelings Wondrous Kind

 Those With Feelin...

The Tale of a Tiger

 The Tale of a Tiger





August 26, 1904

 August 26, 1904



Nobody Knows What Happened. But Something Did Happen. (1. Where Shall I Be In The Morning? 2. Where Indeed!)

 Nobody Knows What...



Little Miss Prim

 Little Miss Prim

Such a Getting Down Stairs

 Such a Getting Do...

This Is How Tom Upset The Bath, And Got The Soap In His Eye

 This Is How Tom U...

Buying Our Shopping Presents

 Buying Our Shoppi...

The Widow

 The Widow

Mar 31, 1919 - Dear Miss Hall

 Mar 31, 1919 - De...

Pussies at Play

 Pussies at Play

The Tubbing

 The Tubbing

Their Mothers' Pride

 Their Mothers...

What's The Matter?

 What's The M...

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