
The Feathered Hat

 The Feathered Hat

Studies from Life

 Studies from Life

Sketches from the Dog Show at the Crystal Palace

 Sketches from the...

Sketches at the Cat Show, Crystal Palace

 Sketches at the C...

Pussy's Nightmare

 Pussy's Nigh...

Performing Animals at the World's Fair, Islington

 Performing Animal...

Our Cats, a Domestic History

 Our Cats, a Domes...

Nature's Fitful Moments, Sketches at the Dairy Show

 Nature's Fit...

Christmas Dinner in a Country Show

 Christmas Dinner ...

Cat Show at the Crystal Palace

 Cat Show at the C...

Cat in a Rainbow

 Cat in a Rainbow

Breaking Up for the Holidays

 Breaking Up for t...

Boots at the Swan; or, Nothing like Leather

 Boots at the Swan...

A Pair of Toff Toms

 A Pair of Toff Toms

Little Jack Horner - A Happy Christmas To You

 Little Jack Horne...

Chinchilla Persian

 Chinchilla Persian



Caught! Keep Your Mouth Shut and Let Me Open Your Mind for You

 Caught! Keep Your...

At the Play, an Exciting Moment

 At the Play, an E...

A Vestry Meeting

 A Vestry Meeting

Mad-eyed Cat

 Mad-eyed Cat

Happy Cat

 Happy Cat

Cat in Holly

 Cat in Holly



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