
This Way to the Up-To-Date Year 1902

 This Way to the U...

Guess the Story, Caddy. A Positive Fact, Sir, I Assure You!

 Guess the Story, ...

On the Strict QT, It's Triplets

 On the Strict QT,...

I Hope I Shall Not Burn My Hair, My Whiskers Are a Lovely Pair

 I Hope I Shall No...

The Portrait Painter

 The Portrait Painter

Much Too Bad

 Much Too Bad

Cats from Spain - Rain and Spain

 Cats from Spain -...

Cats from Ireland

 Cats from Ireland

Cats from England

 Cats from England

Three Cats Reading The Daily Papers

 Three Cats Readin...

The Animal! The Animal!

 The Animal! The A...

Shortears Began And Sung A Solo. Then All The Cats Joined And Sung The Chorus To Madame’s Satisfaction

 Shortears Began A...

Hang the Council said Jumpy Wumpy

 Hang the Council ...

Terrible Together

 Terrible Together

Various Cats Looking Out

 Various Cats Look...

Uncle's Party and After

 Uncle's Part...



A Pair of Cats

 A Pair of Cats

The Kitchen Maid

 The Kitchen Maid

The New Arrival

 The New Arrival

Argumentative Cats

 Argumentative Cats

Cat's Head (Artwork for a J.Salmon 'Happy Birthday' Postcard)

 Cat's Head (...

A Moment's Rest

 A Moment's Rest

A Smiling Cat

 A Smiling Cat

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