
Come Birdie Come

 Come Birdie Come

Three Cats Performing a Song and Dance

 Three Cats Perfor...

On the Balcony

 On the Balcony

A Summer Tea Party

 A Summer Tea Party

Tabby Cat Holding a Rose

 Tabby Cat Holding...

Thoughtful Orange Cat

 Thoughtful Orange...

A Highland Tea Party

 A Highland Tea Party

The Football Match

 The Football Match

A Good Read

 A Good Read

Mother's Day

 Mother's Day

Berry Picking

 Berry Picking

Cat Amongst Vines

 Cat Amongst Vines

Waving Blue Cat

 Waving Blue Cat

Laughing Cat

 Laughing Cat

A Romantic Gesture

 A Romantic Gesture

The Fire of the Mind Agitates the Atmosphere

 The Fire of the M...

Cats Chorus

 Cats Chorus

Happy Flower Cat

 Happy Flower Cat

Blue Cat with Raised Hand

 Blue Cat with Rai...

A Shadow Draped for Worldly Life - Sprucing Up

 A Shadow Draped f...

Choir Rehearsal

 Choir Rehearsal

The Master of Cat College

 The Master of Cat...

Dr. Alan Barham Carter As A Cat

 Dr. Alan Barham C...

A Shy Offering

 A Shy Offering

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