
Awfully Good Joke That!

 Awfully Good Joke...

A Kiss for my Valentine

 A Kiss for my Val...

A Cat with Her Kittens

 A Cat with Her Ki...

Timcat Was Up Very Early and Working Very Hard, and Now He is Enjoying his Breakfast

 Timcat Was Up Ver...

There's Luck in Odd Numbers

 There's Luck...



Flowers for The Duchess

 Flowers for The D...

March of the Black Cats

 March of the Blac...

Good Luck, Good Cheer

 Good Luck, Good C...

Good Luck to You To-Day, Good Luck to You Tomorrow

 Good Luck to You ...

Empty Plate

 Empty Plate

Cat Playing a Piano

 Cat Playing a Piano

A Milk Dish for You

 A Milk Dish for You



The Stick Trick

 The Stick Trick

Not So Easy as It Looks

 Not So Easy as It...

Even Baby Plays It

 Even Baby Plays It

When This Meets your Eye

 When This Meets y...

It Seems a Long Time

 It Seems a Long Time

Don't Worry

 Don't Worry

It Was Quite Pleasant

 It Was Quite Plea...

I am Quite Prepared

 I am Quite Prepared

Cinderella Dress-Up

 Cinderella Dress-Up

An Amateur Reciter

 An Amateur Reciter

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