
You Don't Mean To Say You Have Forgotten the Pins, Mr. Jones?

 You Don't Me...

The Long and Short of It

 The Long and Shor...

Charlie, Just as Charlies Do, Cares Not for the Man in Blue

 Charlie, Just as ...

Are We Down-Hearted?

 Are We Down-Hearted?

Charlie Saunters by the Tide With His Sweetheart by his Side

 Charlie Saunters ...

After the Skirmish

 After the Skirmish



Two Kittens

 Two Kittens

Look Out For Yourself, Guv'nor, I'm Going to Land You Another in the Breadbasket

 Look Out For Your...

That's Why We Roast Them

 That's Why W...

The Clever Tinker

 The Clever Tinker

Towser and the Grey Kitten

 Towser and the Gr...

I'd Be A Busy Ploughboy

 I'd Be A Bus...

Cricket in Yapptown

 Cricket in Yapptown

The Tale of Little Priscilla Purr

 The Tale of Littl...



The Cat-Burglar

 The Cat-Burglar

The Eagle Owl

 The Eagle Owl



We Sold Nearly The Whole Store

 We Sold Nearly Th...



Jack at Sea

 Jack at Sea

Goodness Gracious Me!

 Goodness Gracious...



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