
What Can I Do For You?

 What Can I Do For...

The Judge

 The Judge

All The World's A Blank

 All The World...

The Habitual Grumbler

 The Habitual Grum...

Mad Cat!

 Mad Cat!

I Like It!

 I Like It!

Here's Luck!

 Here's Luck!

I Just Love Christmas!

 I Just Love Chris...

Kitten: I Don't Like These Wire Entanglements!

 Kitten: I Don...

Taking the Twins for a Ride

 Taking the Twins ...

Border - Name Page (This Book Belongs To)

 Border - Name Pag...

What A Famous Noisy Band, Quite the Loudest in the Land

 What A Famous Noi...

This Poor Sad Little Puppy Here, Says the Music Makes Him Feel Queer

 This Poor Sad Lit...

The Cat's Rubaiyat

 The Cat's Ru...

The Kitten's Protector

 The Kitten's...

The Great Violinist Pupwo(?) Will Now Play Ragtime Music

 The Great Violini...

Hush-A-Byes! The Night is Near

 Hush-A-Byes! The ...

You've Forgotten Me!

 You've Forgo...

His Highness Prince Christian's "Tortoise Shell" Pet Cat

 His Highness Prin...

The Young Lawyer

 The Young Lawyer

Please Pass that Box of Sweeties, Kitty!

 Please Pass that ...

A Jolly Christmas and a Happy Time - Vote for Women

 A Jolly Christmas...

Peter's First Introduction to the World - He Gains His Eyesight

 Peter's Firs...

The Guilty Conscience - Won't There Be Tears!

 The Guilty Consci...

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