
Bulldog Show at the Crystal Palace

 Bulldog Show at t...

Between Two Foes

 Between Two Foes

Before Judge and Jury, Verdict, Guilty

 Before Judge and ...

Any Port in a Storm

 Any Port in a Storm

Maypole Soap Advertisement

 Maypole Soap Adve...

And Ended the Chase with a Howl

 And Ended the Cha...

Tis Said a Cat May Look at a King. In This Case It Looks at a Queen

 Tis Said a Cat Ma...

A Merry-Go-Round

 A Merry-Go-Round

Once Upon a Time a Dog Who Was Afraid of Work Invented a New Instrument

 Once Upon a Time ...

A Road Race

 A Road Race

Promenade Cats - Fancy Sketch - A Parade

 Promenade Cats - ...

To Those in Love

 To Those in Love

Oh Dear, There Is a Whole Brood of Ducklings Coming Out of One Egg. Mrs. Cackle You Must Have Laid an Easter Egg by Mistake

 Oh Dear, There Is...

The Cockerel and the Kitten

 The Cockerel and ...

Doctor Owl - Let Me Feel Your Pulse Now

 Doctor Owl - Let ...

He Cometh Not

 He Cometh Not

Be Mine, & I Will Go Anywhere With You Sweet Jane & Risk Anything, Even a Bootjack

 Be Mine, & I ...

Sketch for Schoolroom

 Sketch for School...

Forest Life

 Forest Life

Who Would Have Thought A Canary Could Do So Much Damage

 Who Would Have Th...

Run Henry, There's a Brick Coming!

 Run Henry, There&...

Certainly, I Smile You

 Certainly, I Smil...

Let Me Give You Lift Up, Mr. Bear

 Let Me Give You L...

Eliza, Are They All Your Laying?

 Eliza, Are They A...

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