
H.M. Queen Alexandra's Bassett Hounds

 H.M. Queen Alexan...

So Near and Yet So Far

 So Near and Yet S...

The Pet Puppy

 The Pet Puppy

The New Dog Fancy- Bassett Hounds

 The New Dog Fancy...

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

 A Stitch in Time ...

Cup and Ball

 Cup and Ball

Miss Magpie and Mr. Frisk

 Miss Magpie and M...

There Was an Old Woman Lived Under the Hill, She Put a Mouse in a Bag and Sent It to the Mill

 There Was an Old ...

Betty was There - My Betty

 Betty was There -...

Education - Fin De Siecle!

 Education - Fin D...



Miss Pussums at Home

 Miss Pussums at Home

He Seemed To Lie Easier When I Was There

 He Seemed To Lie ...

What the Cat Thought of the Dog Next Door

 What the Cat Thou...

The Present Day Cat Is Going To Be The Lion Of The Future

 The Present Day C...

A Puppy's Pranks

 A Puppy's Pr...

Pussykins Grew Very Cross

 Pussykins Grew Ve...

A Mystery

 A Mystery

What Can It Be? - Tuck & Snap (Whatever's That? & Pussie's Song)

 What Can It Be? -...

The Wonderful Organ

 The Wonderful Organ

How Sepp Went A-Wooing

 How Sepp Went A-W...



Luckless and Fortunate

 Luckless and Fort...

The Museum - Another Glimpse (Downstairs)

 The Museum - Anot...

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