
Not Competing

 Not Competing

Highly Commended

 Highly Commended

Highly Commended II

 Highly Commended II

First Prize

 First Prize

Consolation Prize II

 Consolation Prize II

Early Greek

 Early Greek



Catland Stories

 Catland Stories

The Perfect Cat

 The Perfect Cat

Oriental Cat Pattern with Triangular Eyes

 Oriental Cat Patt...

Cows on Pasture

 Cows on Pasture

Cat and Mouse in Partnership

 Cat and Mouse in ...

Panorama Background II

 Panorama Backgrou...

With The Stone in His Arms He Walked Calmly Towards the Shore

 With The Stone in...

Reclining Cat

 Reclining Cat

Studies of a Sleeping Tabby Cat

 Studies of a Slee...

Hi! Help!

 Hi! Help!

The Cubist Golfer

 The Cubist Golfer

A Strange Habit

 A Strange Habit

Various Portraits

 Various Portraits

Mixed Pickles

 Mixed Pickles

Electric Cat

 Electric Cat

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