
Out Came Kitty

 Out Came Kitty

He Hid Himself in the Mouth of a Lion

 He Hid Himself in...

Over the Old Tombstones

 Over the Old Tomb...

Restored to the Bosom of his Sorrowing Family

 Restored to the B...

I Think I've Found 'Im, Real

 I Think I've...

A Keen Delight in the Sport

 A Keen Delight in...



He Became A Vegetarian

 He Became A Veget...

The Advances of An Angry Duck Which Bit His Tail

 The Advances of A...

The Christmas Tree

 The Christmas Tree

A Puppy's Pranks

 A Puppy's Pr...

A Puppy's Pranks

 A Puppy's Pr...

Pussykins Grew Very Cross

 Pussykins Grew Ve...

A Mystery

 A Mystery

A Lesson In Pronunciation

 A Lesson In Pronu...

What Can It Be? - Tuck & Snap (Whatever's That? & Pussie's Song)

 What Can It Be? -...



A Few Words on Graditude

 A Few Words on Gr...

Boldly He Stepped Out On To The Rope

 Boldly He Stepped...

And Both Laughed Heartily

 And Both Laughed ...



Blind Was My Dear Cat

 Blind Was My Dear...

Cats Were Brought to Me in Baskets, in Boxes, in Arms

 Cats Were Brought...

Now Diddles Doddles, Diddles Doddles

 Now Diddles Doddl...

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