
Some Varieties of the Modern Pigeon

 Some Varieties of...

A Gang of Assassins Startled by Butterflies

 A Gang of Assassi...

A Sad Dog's Day (Wicked Sport - Return in Penitence)

 A Sad Dog's ...

Sketches at Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, with Milton's Cottage

 Sketches at Chalf...

Professor Fredericks' Performing Cats

 Professor Frederi...

Our Cats, a Domestic History

 Our Cats, a Domes...

Other People's Pets

 Other People'...

Nature's Fitful Moments, Sketches at the Dairy Show

 Nature's Fit...

Between Two Foes

 Between Two Foes

Before Judge and Jury, Verdict, Guilty

 Before Judge and ...

We Won't Go Home Till Morning

 We Won't Go ...

Wishing You A Happy Easter

 Wishing You A Hap...

The Shepherd's Sheep Dogs Look after the Orchard

 The Shepherd'...

Away Went the Cat and Returned With a Piece of Bread Wrapped in a Leaf

 Away Went the Cat...

Forest Life

 Forest Life



Who Would Have Thought A Canary Could Do So Much Damage

 Who Would Have Th...

Eliza, Are They All Your Laying?

 Eliza, Are They A...

The Magic City

 The Magic City

Racing Canaries

 Racing Canaries



Mr. Owl - Are You a New Kind of Owl, Kitty?

 Mr. Owl - Are You...

The Dog Ran Away With the Goose... A Tale of Woe

 The Dog Ran Away ...

Watch the Birdy

 Watch the Birdy

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