
Polly Could Hardly Hold On

 Polly Could Hardl...

Down the Chimney Fell Polly Puss

 Down the Chimney ...

Oh! You Bad Little Kitten

 Oh! You Bad Littl...

Good Luck and Good Wishes

 Good Luck and Goo...

Wishing You the Compliments of the Season

 Wishing You the C...

The Duel

 The Duel

First Life - Mother to the Rescue

 First Life - Moth...

Lad & Lass

 Lad & Lass

Funny Animals

 Funny Animals



The Introduction

 The Introduction

What Can We Do For You, Madam?

 What Can We Do Fo...

Both Old and Young Had a Good Time

 Both Old and Youn...

Tom Tiddler's Plan

 Tom Tiddler'...



The Peacemaker

 The Peacemaker

Here We Are Again!

 Here We Are Again!

So This is the New Pet, Is It?

 So This is the Ne...

It's A Dolls Tea-Party, So You Must Pretend

 It's A Dolls...

Give Daddy All Our Dust, He Will Then Have to Stop

 Give Daddy All Ou...

Tommy Chose the Biggest Toy in the Shop

 Tommy Chose the B...







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