
I'm Afraid it Won't Keep Down!

 I'm Afraid i...

I Think I've Had Enough!

 I Think I've...

I Say, Stop It!

 I Say, Stop It!

I Say, I Didn't Ask For an Irish Stew!

 I Say, I Didn...

How Long Am I Expected To Stand This?

 How Long Am I Exp...

Down It!

 Down It!

Be Brave Dear, It's All for Your Good!

 Be Brave Dear, It...

The Forty Thieves

 The Forty Thieves

My Word, That Must Have Been a German Mouse!

 My Word, That Mus...



Baby's Bath

 Baby's Bath

Lost Mittens

 Lost Mittens

Buried his Teeth in the Conductor's Wrist

 Buried his Teeth ...

The Pig

 The Pig

The Lament of Billy Villy

 The Lament of Bil...

Merry Times with Louis Wain

 Merry Times with ...

K (Stands for Kitten, He Bitterly Cries) & L (Stands for Laughter That's Better Than Sighs)

 K (Stands for Kit...

G Stands for the Glasses for Grandpapa’s Wear

 G Stands for the ...

Catland ABC

 Catland ABC

Reviving Mother

 Reviving Mother

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