
Certainly, I Smile You

 Certainly, I Smil...

Cat Study

 Cat Study

Brown Tabby Cat

 Brown Tabby Cat

Auf Weidersehen Meine Kleine Maus - Goodbye My Little Mouse

 Auf Weidersehen M...

Russian Blue Cat

 Russian Blue Cat

With all Good Wishes for a Happy Birthday

 With all Good Wis...

An Alert Tabby

 An Alert Tabby

I Fell in Love with a Lovely Kitten & That Kitten Was Myself

 I Fell in Love wi...

Black Persian Birthday Wishes

 Black Persian Bir...

The Latest

 The Latest

A Heavy Sportsman

 A Heavy Sportsman

A Dandy

 A Dandy

Bill Sykes

 Bill Sykes

A Scotch Laddie

 A Scotch Laddie

A Gay Bachelor

 A Gay Bachelor

She Cometh Not!

 She Cometh Not!

Ruffled Plumes

 Ruffled Plumes

I Knew It All The Time!

 I Knew It All The...

Third Prize

 Third Prize

Third Prize II

 Third Prize II

Second Prize

 Second Prize

Second Prize II

 Second Prize II

Highly Commended

 Highly Commended

Highly Commended II

 Highly Commended II

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