
Playing the Piano

 Playing the Piano

Dad's Very Fond of Books

 Dad's Very F...

Daddy Cat

 Daddy Cat

This Is a Fisherman, Hear His Loud Squeal

 This Is a Fisherm...

E Are the Eggs Pussy Thought a Nice Snack

 E Are the Eggs Pu...

Z Is the Zephyr Puss Blows on His Boat

 Z Is the Zephyr P...

Robin Hood

 Robin Hood

Monarch of the Garden

 Monarch of the Ga...

White Tie Cat

 White Tie Cat

Study of a Collie with Cap and Pipe

 Study of a Collie...

The Stick Trick

 The Stick Trick

Quite Professional

 Quite Professional

A Young Beginner

 A Young Beginner

The Meal-Time Mascot

 The Meal-Time Mascot

Le Voyageur

 Le Voyageur

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