
With Compliments

 With Compliments





I'm So Nervous!!!!!!!!

 I'm So Nervo...

That Kiss Was Nice

 That Kiss Was Nice

A Smile And A Wink

 A Smile And A Wink



The School Girl's Annual (I'm Not Quite Certain, Doctor, Whether That Last Goldfish Agreed with Me!)

 The School Girl&#...

Santa Claws Comes to Town

 Santa Claws Comes...

A School Scene - Silence is Golden

 A School Scene - ...



Nobody Knows What Happened. But Something Did Happen. (1. Where Shall I Be In The Morning? 2. Where Indeed!)

 Nobody Knows What...



Our Other Friends

 Our Other Friends

Mouse or Jugged Hare?

 Mouse or Jugged H...

Old Memories

 Old Memories

Enough To Make

 Enough To Make

Mixed Emotions

 Mixed Emotions

The Scholar & The Dunce

 The Scholar &...



Peter's Pussies' Party

 Peter's Puss...

Harriet and the Matches

 Harriet and the M...

A Bass Note

 A Bass Note

Washing Day

 Washing Day

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