
Jack and Jill

 Jack and Jill

Waking Dad

 Waking Dad

A Trumpeter Outside Began to Play

 A Trumpeter Outsi...

Ann Spilt the Soup Tureen

 Ann Spilt the Sou...

Not Only Golf, but Tennis Too

 Not Only Golf, bu...

Papa's New Boots are Rather Tight

 Papa's New B...

Tom Stays A Minute

 Tom Stays A Minute

Dad's Very Fond of Books

 Dad's Very F...

Tired of Dancing

 Tired of Dancing

Upon His Knee She Hops

 Upon His Knee She...

Daddy Cat

 Daddy Cat

Anything But Clean

 Anything But Clean

Dad at the Circus

 Dad at the Circus

The Neighbors All Love Daddy Cat

 The Neighbors All...

Now See Him Learn To Brush His Hair, A Clever Little Lad

 Now See Him Learn...

Beetle Pies

 Beetle Pies

Bad Egg

 Bad Egg

Dance A Little Wihile

 Dance A Little Wi...

Old Mother Hubbard

 Old Mother Hubbard

Mary Had A Little Lamb

 Mary Had A Little...

Little Miss Muffett

 Little Miss Muffett

Watering the Flowers (Patience and Time)

 Watering the Flow...

Miss Tabby Purr at Home

 Miss Tabby Purr a...

Little Tommy Tucker

 Little Tommy Tucker

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