
Early Days

 Early Days

This Is How Tom Upset The Bath, And Got The Soap In His Eye

 This Is How Tom U...

Ya! Take Off Those Gloves, and Come Up To the Scratch!

 Ya! Take Off Thos...

When She Goes Out Walking, They Go, Too!

 When She Goes Out...

Oh, the Delights of Winter!

 Oh, the Delights ...

Cats as Cup Winners

 Cats as Cup Winners



Croquet - Knocking Me Away Just As I Was Getting Home, Just What A Man Would Do!

 Croquet - Knockin...

The Indian Cat - A Suspicious Moment

 The Indian Cat - ...



If You Had No Bird, It Was Taken For Granted That You Required One

 If You Had No Bir...

His First Glimpse of the Moon

 His First Glimpse...

The Highest of Spirits

 The Highest of Sp...



Over the Old Tombstones

 Over the Old Tomb...

Welcomed like Another Progidal Son

 Welcomed like Ano...

A Picture of Coolness and Cleanliness

 A Picture of Cool...

High Seas

 High Seas

The Poultry-Run

 The Poultry-Run

He Loved to Watch the Swans Which Sailed Down the Little River

 He Loved to Watch...



What Could The Wisest Cat Know of Bees?

 What Could The Wi...

A Thousand Passions

 A Thousand Passions

Til the Cows Come Home

 Til the Cows Come...

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