
The Lost Kitten

 The Lost Kitten

There He Goes! Just Look at Him! In Terrible Disgrace

 There He Goes! Ju...

Daddy Lion at the Barber's

 Daddy Lion at the...

Please Pass that Box of Sweeties, Kitty!

 Please Pass that ...

The Way They Live in Frogland

 The Way They Live...

Wasted Sympathy

 Wasted Sympathy

How Sweet!

 How Sweet!

Pet in Trouble

 Pet in Trouble

The Motor Race

 The Motor Race

Molly Began to Get Frightened, and Away She Ran

 Molly Began to Ge...

What a Donkey!

 What a Donkey!

A Diamond-Jubilee Year Lecture on Milk and Water!

 A Diamond-Jubilee...

Fresh From the Cow!

 Fresh From the Cow!

The Guilty Conscience - Won't There Be Tears!

 The Guilty Consci...

John Is So Affectionate as a Lover, Is He? Ah, That's What the Other Girls Say

 John Is So Affect...

The Brute Who Finds the Tips

 The Brute Who Fin...

Motor Days in Catland

 Motor Days in Cat...

A Very Funny Piece of Coal

 A Very Funny Piec...

Not At Home

 Not At Home

Miss Magpie and Mr. Frisk

 Miss Magpie and M...

It's No Use Pretending, Miss Pussy, That You're Fond of Music So Sweet

 It's No Use ...

A story of Three Kittens

 A story of Three ...

I Know a Hatter of High Degree

 I Know a Hatter o...



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