












Social Amenities

 Social Amenities

The Cake Walk

 The Cake Walk

The Cup That Cheers But Not Inebriates

 The Cup That Chee...

Our Prima Donna Takes “Come, Birdie, Come,” As An Encore Song

 Our Prima Donna T...

It Were Enough To Feel, To See, Thy Soft Eyes Gazing Tenderly

 It Were Enough To...

Fancy That, Now!

 Fancy That, Now!

Mama the Mender

 Mama the Mender

Mrs. Thomas Cat Takes an Afternoon Stroll in Her Patent Family Baloonoplane in Charge of Her Anchorman

 Mrs. Thomas Cat T...

The Cat's Quartette

 The Cat's Qu...

Does Your Wine Merchant Give You Credit?

 Does Your Wine Me...

The Milking Well

 The Milking Well

The Rivals

 The Rivals

The Up-to-date Cat

 The Up-to-date Cat

Not Guilty

 Not Guilty

The Holiday Season - Left Behind

 The Holiday Seaso...

Pussy's Nightmare

 Pussy's Nigh...

This Is The Studio Tom Built, For Stuffing All Manner of Birds

 This Is The Studi...

Our Concert

 Our Concert

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