
If A Pink Bow Takes Its Place He Will Whimper And Hang His Tongue Sulkily

 If A Pink Bow Tak...

Won't You Give me a Little of Your Milk, Pussy

 Won't You Gi...

Aeroplane For Sale - At Any Old Price

 Aeroplane For Sal...

Dog Border for Picture Stamps

 Dog Border for Pi...

Anxious Rooks

 Anxious Rooks

Eliza Comes To Stay

 Eliza Comes To Stay

Pirate Pussies

 Pirate Pussies

Nature's Fitful Moments, Sketches at the Kennel Club Dog Show

 Nature's Fit...

Nature's Fitful Moments, Sketches at the Dairy Show

 Nature's Fit...

Jump-Roping Cat

 Jump-Roping Cat

Jack’s Little ‘Mary’ Is Upset, Throw Physic to the Dogs

 Jack’s Litt...

Oh, Hurry Up!

 Oh, Hurry Up!

Grooming (or) Looking Pretty

 Grooming (or) Loo...

The Mouses Revenge

 The Mouses Revenge

I Expect

 I Expect

Mr. Owl - Are You a New Kind of Owl, Kitty?

 Mr. Owl - Are You...

All Work, No Play

 All Work, No Play

The Kittens Who Wouldn't Go To School

 The Kittens Who W...

Teasing Terry

 Teasing Terry

Skipping Cat

 Skipping Cat

Merry Times with Louis Wain

 Merry Times with ...

Polly Said I Had No Business to Interfere

 Polly Said I Had ...

‘You Shall Not Go Down to the Water’ Said the Alligator, and the Bears Were So Thirsty and Were Obliged to Go to Bed Thirsty

 ‘You Shall ...

Ginger Cat in Decoration

 Ginger Cat in Dec...

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