
Mr George Krehl's Basset Hound Pallas II

 Mr George Krehl&#...

A Stranger in a Strange Land

 A Stranger in a S...

The Happy Family at the Crystal Palace

 The Happy Family ...

The Dachshund and Basset-Hound Show at the Royal Aquarium, Westminster

 The Dachshund and...

Exhibition of Drovers' Dogs at the Metropolitan Cattle Market

 Exhibition of Dro...

Sketches of the Cat Show at the Crystal Palace

 Sketches of the C...

Professor Fredericks' Performing Cats

 Professor Frederi...

Nature's Fitful Moments, Sketches at the Terrier Club Show (engraving)

 Nature's Fit...

Nature's Fitful Moments, Sketches at the Kennel Club Dog Show

 Nature's Fit...

We Won't Go Home Till Morning

 We Won't Go ...

Tis Said a Cat May Look at a King. In This Case It Looks at a Queen

 Tis Said a Cat Ma...

The Porcupine

 The Porcupine

The Cat and the Mouse

 The Cat and the M...

An Old Tin Can

 An Old Tin Can

Who Would Have Thought A Canary Could Do So Much Damage

 Who Would Have Th...

Certainly, I Smile You

 Certainly, I Smil...

Eliza, Are They All Your Laying?

 Eliza, Are They A...

Varieties of Spiny Mouse

 Varieties of Spin...

Celebrated Dogs - Dr Forbes-Winslows Mastiff, "Crown Prince"

 Celebrated Dogs -...



And he Winked the Other Eye

 And he Winked the...

Blue Siamese

 Blue Siamese

Shortears Began And Sung A Solo. Then All The Cats Joined And Sung The Chorus To Madame’s Satisfaction

 Shortears Began A...

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