
This Box Contains a Wonderful Thing

 This Box Contains...

I'm a Poor Lone Widow

 I'm a Poor L...

The Derutante

 The Derutante

All Sorts of Comical Cats

 All Sorts of Comi...

Purely Tee Total

 Purely Tee Total

Three Little Kittens Washing Their Mittens

 Three Little Kitt...

It Seems a Long Time

 It Seems a Long Time

A Cup of Tea

 A Cup of Tea

The Morning Walk

 The Morning Walk

By the Sunny Sea - Catching Crabs

 By the Sunny Sea ...

Robbers and Brigands

 Robbers and Brigands

Knitting Cup

 Knitting Cup

Three Cats Reading The Daily Papers

 Three Cats Readin...

The Glory of Empire on Toast

 The Glory of Empi...

The City Man, a Bad Day

 The City Man, a B...

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