
The Softest Cushion In The World

 The Softest Cushi...

Cat and Pail of Milk

 Cat and Pail of Milk

V Is the Vessel Where Doggie Took Shelter

 V Is the Vessel W...

Louis Wain's Annual 1921 - Good Luck to You!

 Louis Wain's...



Such A Sad and Scalded Pup

 Such A Sad and Sc...



An Old Tin Can

 An Old Tin Can

And he Winked the Other Eye

 And he Winked the...

Cat and Mouse in Partnership

 Cat and Mouse in ...

Getting his Breakfast

 Getting his Break...

Tricky Upset Everything

 Tricky Upset Ever...

The Most Precious of All

 The Most Precious...

Mixed Sweets

 Mixed Sweets

Troublesome Tommy

 Troublesome Tommy

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