
Fell Out of an Attic Window

 Fell Out of an At...

He Had Rather a Pretty Trick

 He Had Rather a P...

Jimmy Charged the Enemy, and Bit Her in the Hind Leg

 Jimmy Charged the...

The Plucky Little Fellow

 The Plucky Little...

Successfully Interviewed Both Fox and Badger

 Successfully Inte...

The Striped and Buzzing Enemy

 The Striped and B...

Pop Had the Bad Luck

 Pop Had the Bad Luck

Attacked Bigger Game in the Form of a Large Stoat

 Attacked Bigger G...

Compelled To Call In the Aid of the Common Trap and Toasted Cheese

 Compelled To Call...

Ben Full Tilt After The Fat Avlesbury Ducks

 Ben Full Tilt Aft...

Melanthe and Her Two Children Careering Round the Paddock

 Melanthe and Her ...

A Large Plantation

 A Large Plantation



The Tramp Dog

 The Tramp Dog

A Rare Waterbuck (Roebuck)

 A Rare Waterbuck ...

Froggy Gave a Little Dance

 Froggy Gave a Lit...

The Frogmousiad (Once Upon a Time)

 The Frogmousiad (...

The Frogmousiad (Friendship with Me)

 The Frogmousiad (...

The Frogmousiad (He Was a Host in Himself)

 The Frogmousiad (...

Look At His Short Nose!

 Look At His Short...



Washing Day

 Washing Day

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