
A Diamond-Jubilee Year Lecture on Milk and Water!

 A Diamond-Jubilee...

Double as Quits

 Double as Quits

Double as Quits

 Double as Quits



My Intentions Are, Ah! Don't Smile

 My Intentions Are...

One Over the Eight

 One Over the Eight





Hurrah!!! for Christmas

 Hurrah!!! for Chr...

Stamp Border

 Stamp Border

Our Playful Kitten

 Our Playful Kitten



All the Sweet-Tooth Kittens

 All the Sweet-Too...

A Ladder Tall - A Painter's Pail - A Clumsy Work-Cat - There's The Tale!

 A Ladder Tall - A...

The Two Miss Whites Drive to School in Their New Dogcart, and Come to Grief on the Way

 The Two Miss Whit...



At the Barbers

 At the Barbers

Too Fat to Catch Mice

 Too Fat to Catch ...

Catching the Train

 Catching the Train

Judge, Lawyer, Defendant

 Judge, Lawyer, De...

The Old Complaint

 The Old Complaint

The Dog's Harmonic Club

 The Dog's Ha...

A Good Meal

 A Good Meal



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