
His First Smoke

 His First Smoke

Tom Catt as a Waiter

 Tom Catt as a Waiter

Mr. Porker

 Mr. Porker

The Portrait Painter

 The Portrait Painter



Little Scholar

 Little Scholar



Happy to Help

 Happy to Help

The Wicked Thief

 The Wicked Thief

Augustus and the Soup

 Augustus and the ...

Fidgety Phil

 Fidgety Phil

No Luggage Allowed

 No Luggage Allowed

(1901) The Dandy Lion-07

 (1901) The Dandy ...

Busy Pussies - Please, Sit, I've Caught Them All

 Busy Pussies - Pl...

Oh Dear Friend, It Is Like You, Certainly, Badly Painted

 Oh Dear Friend, I...

Mother - How Did You Get On This Term, Tommy? Boy - Oh Fine! I Have Beaten All The Big Boys, Given Them Measles

 Mother - How Did ...

The Record of a Previous Engagement

 The Record of a P...

The Piano Player

 The Piano Player

The Card Players

 The Card Players

Preperation for Sports Day

 Preperation for S...

Piano Cat

 Piano Cat

Law in Action

 Law in Action

John, What Are You Doing with my Rouge? He (Hastily) - I'm Making up for The Part of the Puppet

 John, What Are Yo...

The Queen of Hearts

 The Queen of Hearts

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