
With Compliments

 With Compliments

North Pole One Penny a Climb

 North Pole One Pe...





I'm So Nervous!!!!!!!!

 I'm So Nervo...

Care Killed A Cat But "Who Cares" Saves The Dog

 Care Killed A Cat...

How Pride Betrays

 How Pride Betrays

Dr. Quack Medicines

 Dr. Quack Medicines



This Is How Tom Upset The Bath, And Got The Soap In His Eye

 This Is How Tom U...

Mixed Emotions

 Mixed Emotions

An Extra Tasty Glass

 An Extra Tasty Glass

Esquimaux and Collies

 Esquimaux and Col...

Loves Labour Lost

 Loves Labour Lost

That Was Not A Good Mouse!

 That Was Not A Go...

Notice That A Cat Draws It's Whiskers Back As A Rule When Drinking, In Order That They Shall Not Be Wetted Or Dirtied

 Notice That A Cat...

More Cat Microbes

 More Cat Microbes



All My Eye!

 All My Eye!

(Mrs Pussums) Serve You Right Mr Pussums, You Shouldn't have Sung that Top Note with a Tremolo Last Night on the Tiles

 (Mrs Pussums) Ser...

Dog Border for Picture Stamps

 Dog Border for Pi...



The Opening of the Hunting Season - Hounds in Full Cry

 The Opening of th...

A Stranger in a Strange Land

 A Stranger in a S...

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