


Kitty's Farm

 Kitty's Farm

Toby Takes a Trip in a Submarine Boat

 Toby Takes a Trip...

Give Daddy All Our Dust, He Will Then Have to Stop

 Give Daddy All Ou...

And Me Only Shrimping!

 And Me Only Shrim...



Cariba Looked Quite A Prince In His New Clothes

 Cariba Looked Qui...

Puss-in-boots Ran On In Advance Of The King's Carriage

 Puss-in-boots Ran...

A Fine Catch

 A Fine Catch

No. 1: "Play" - No. 2: "Play. Oh-h!"

 No. 1: "Play...

Are You Safe, Jack? Yes, Lovely View Up Here

 Are You Safe, Jac...

Boasting Benjamin

 Boasting Benjamin

The Inky Cats

 The Inky Cats

The Wedding Procession

 The Wedding Proce...

Japan Disarms When Music is Offered Her

 Japan Disarms Whe...

Our Allies, The Japanese. Oh, Happy Mimosa San!

 Our Allies, The J...

Cats From North America - Red Indian Cats

 Cats From North A...

Mixed Bathing: "You Horrid Creature! You're A Man!"

 Mixed Bathing: &q...

The Clown

 The Clown

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