
Esquimaux and Collies

 Esquimaux and Col...

Curly Black Retriever

 Curly Black Retri...



Follo - St. Bernard

 Follo - St. Bernard

In Praise of Cats

 In Praise of Cats

In Praise of Cats

 In Praise of Cats

What Is It? Me-eow!

 What Is It? Me-eow!





The Waterloo Cup - The Winner

 The Waterloo Cup ...



All the Sweet-Tooth Kittens

 All the Sweet-Too...

A Ladder Tall - A Painter's Pail - A Clumsy Work-Cat - There's The Tale!

 A Ladder Tall - A...

The Two Miss Whites Drive to School in Their New Dogcart, and Come to Grief on the Way

 The Two Miss Whit...

Out for a Drive

 Out for a Drive

The Cambridge Ornithological Society's Show

 The Cambridge Orn...

The Dandy

 The Dandy



The Reward of Simplicity

 The Reward of Sim...

When Twinkles Stole a Cake

 When Twinkles Sto...

Star Knew How Much His Master Loved His Pipe

 Star Knew How Muc...

It Was a Very Sad Little Doggie That Crept Into His Basket - All Alone in His Master's Room

 It Was a Very Sad...

Too Fat to Catch Mice

 Too Fat to Catch ...

Go On! I Don't Look A Guy. I Am A Yorkshire Terrier

 Go On! I Don'...

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