
They Find A Career at Last

 They Find A Caree...

Little Suck-A-Thumb

 Little Suck-A-Thumb

Head In Air and Quite Content

 Head In Air and Q...

Harriet and the Matches

 Harriet and the M...

A Bass Note

 A Bass Note

(N)ice Bears

 (N)ice Bears

The Cat's Wedding

 The Cat's We...

The Wedding Procession

 The Wedding Proce...

The Dandy Lion

 The Dandy Lion

More Cats from Italy

 More Cats from Italy

Four-Footed Indians

 Four-Footed Indians

Cats from Scotland (Scottish Cats)

 Cats from Scotlan...

Japan Disarms When Music is Offered Her

 Japan Disarms Whe...

Stage Door Johnnies

 Stage Door Johnnies

Oh Dear Friend, It Is Like You, Certainly, Badly Painted

 Oh Dear Friend, I...

More Cat Microbes

 More Cat Microbes





A Chance! What a Lovely Brunette, Yes One can Scarcely Recognise her, She was a Blonde so Long!

 A Chance! What a ...

The Record of a Previous Engagement

 The Record of a P...

The Piano Player

 The Piano Player

The Land of the Rising Sun

 The Land of the R...

The Insurance Bill

 The Insurance Bill

Oh! This is Not Cricket (Played!)

 Oh! This is Not C...

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