
When This Meets your Eye

 When This Meets y...

I Expect

 I Expect

It Seems a Long Time

 It Seems a Long Time

I am Quite Upset

 I am Quite Upset

I Can See

 I Can See

An Amateur Reciter

 An Amateur Reciter

Bill Sykes

 Bill Sykes

A Scotch Laddie

 A Scotch Laddie

A Gay Bachelor

 A Gay Bachelor

The Introduction

 The Introduction

The Play-Time Mascot

 The Play-Time Mascot

The Garden Mascot

 The Garden Mascot

The Lady's Mascot

 The Lady's M...

The Visitor's Mascot

 The Visitor'...

The Huntsman's Mascot

 The Huntsman'...

The Talker's Mascot

 The Talker's...

The Knut's Mascot

 The Knut's M...

The Doctor's Mascot

 The Doctor's...

The Dancer's Mascot

 The Dancer's...

The Dandy's Mascot

 The Dandy's ...

The Book Mascot

 The Book Mascot

The Skipping Mascot

 The Skipping Mascot

The Meal-Time Mascot

 The Meal-Time Mascot

The Contented Mascot

 The Contented Mascot

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