
The Phantom Ship

 The Phantom Ship

Snoosems Wants His Ma

 Snoosems Wants Hi...

The House Dog's Bark is Louder Than the Church Bells

 The House Dog...

She's Both

 She's Both

H.M. Queen Alexandra's Bassett Hounds

 H.M. Queen Alexan...

Happy Collie!

 Happy Collie!

Aberdeenshire Occupies the Best Part of the World

 Aberdeenshire Occ...

Did You Bark at Me on Purpose, Mrs. Yorkshire?

 Did You Bark at M...

What A Famous Noisy Band, Quite the Loudest in the Land

 What A Famous Noi...

This Poor Sad Little Puppy Here, Says the Music Makes Him Feel Queer

 This Poor Sad Lit...

This Wood Gives Me The Creeps

 This Wood Gives M...

The Alligator and the Thief

 The Alligator and...

The Way They Live in Frogland

 The Way They Live...

The Motor Race

 The Motor Race

Molly Began to Get Frightened, and Away She Ran

 Molly Began to Ge...

Miss Magpie and Mr. Frisk

 Miss Magpie and M...



The Five Senses

 The Five Senses



Fish of Brilliant Colours

 Fish of Brilliant...

Fish With Developed Eyes in Light Seas

 Fish With Develop...

The Rogue Elephant

 The Rogue Elephant

Just Hid Behind the Rose-Bush and Peeped At Us Through the Branches

 Just Hid Behind t...

Past Fountain, Shrine, and Ivied Seat

 Past Fountain, Sh...

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