
Who Said Mice?

 Who Said Mice?



One Cat Will Keep The Mice Down in All These Houses

 One Cat Will Keep...

The House Dog's Bark is Louder Than the Church Bells

 The House Dog...

Bit Draughty Up There, Ain't It, Mister?

 Bit Draughty Up T...

The Judge

 The Judge

Grey Persian

 Grey Persian

The Skyman

 The Skyman



Ornate K with Kitten

 Ornate K with Kitten

Ornate O with Kitten

 Ornate O with Kitten

This is Miss Kittums Who Boils the Water to Make the Tea

 This is Miss Kitt...

Dear Me! She Tripped Over Her Toes

 Dear Me! She Trip...

Making Music Oh So Sweet, Up and Down and Through Each Street

 Making Music Oh S...

Holiday-Time in Catland

 Holiday-Time in C...

The Cat Scouts

 The Cat Scouts

They thought it would be gorgeous fun; To shoulder arms and shoot a gun

 They thought it w...

They had to learn to write and read

 They had to learn...

They also learnt by reading's aid; How gunpowder is really made

 They also learnt ...

He would read scouting books in bed-He said they soothed his aching head

 He would read sco...

It's horrid to be scratched by thistles.

 It's horrid ...

Sees a flock of dicky birds behind a rock.

 Sees a flock of d...

The Alarm

 The Alarm

A Swimming Lesson

 A Swimming Lesson

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