
Exhibition of Drovers' Dogs at the Metropolitan Cattle Market

 Exhibition of Dro...

The New Chimpanzee in the Zoological Society's Gardens

 The New Chimpanze...

Professor Fredericks' Performing Cats

 Professor Frederi...

Nature's Fitful Moments, Sketches at the Terrier Club Show (engraving)

 Nature's Fit...

Nature's Fitful Moments, Sketches at the Kennel Club Dog Show

 Nature's Fit...

My Noble Kinsman

 My Noble Kinsman

Bulldog Show at the Crystal Palace

 Bulldog Show at t...

A Watched Pot Never Boils!

 A Watched Pot Nev...

Cats In Weighing Room

 Cats In Weighing ...

Tis Said a Cat May Look at a King. In This Case It Looks at a Queen

 Tis Said a Cat Ma...

Cat with a Broken Toy

 Cat with a Broken...

Powder Puff, Don't Tell on Me!

 Powder Puff, Don&...

Cats in the Dormitory

 Cats in the Dormi...

Once Upon a Time a Dog Who Was Afraid of Work Invented a New Instrument

 Once Upon a Time ...



Into The Tub

 Into The Tub

You Call That a Ha’Penth of Milk

 You Call That a H...







With Many Good Wishes

 With Many Good Wi...

A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

 A Merry Christmas...

Sad Cat

 Sad Cat

The Classroom

 The Classroom

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