




The Socialist's Idea of a Rise in the World

 The Socialist...

The Intruder

 The Intruder

The Insurance Bill

 The Insurance Bill

The Barrister

 The Barrister

John, What Are You Doing with my Rouge? He (Hastily) - I'm Making up for The Part of the Puppet

 John, What Are Yo...



Composer's Parade

 Composer's P...

Cats Fencing

 Cats Fencing

B. Little Benjamin, Playing at Ball - He Tosses, He Catches, & N'er Lets it Fall

 B. Little Benjami...

And the Band Plays On

 And the Band Play...

Trip Terrier

 Trip Terrier

Those With Feelings Wondrous Kind Our Love With Felines Ever Bind

 Those With Feelin...

The Tale of Trip

 The Tale of Trip

The Mewsical Family Play 'Meet Us By Moonlight'

 The Mewsical Fami...

Picture Stamps 3 - An Unexpected Guest

 Picture Stamps 3 ...

Picture Stamps 2

 Picture Stamps 2

Picture Stamps 1 - The Rainy Day

 Picture Stamps 1 ...

On the Beach

 On the Beach

Ice Slide

 Ice Slide

Hows That, Umpire?

 Hows That, Umpire?

Good Gracious! What a Sight!

 Good Gracious! Wh...

Coming Home from School

 Coming Home from ...

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