
Here's Health!

 Here's Health!

The Runner's Mascot

 The Runner's...

I Think I've Had Enough!

 I Think I've...

I Say, Stop It!

 I Say, Stop It!

I Say, I Didn't Ask For an Irish Stew!

 I Say, I Didn...

The Babes in the Wood

 The Babes in the ...

Le Voyageur

 Le Voyageur

Three Cats and a Plum Pudding

 Three Cats and a ...

Little Miss Muffet - With My Love

 Little Miss Muffe...

Cinderella and Her Sisters (Loving Greetings)

 Cinderella and He...

Cats with Dolls

 Cats with Dolls

Fun on the Beach

 Fun on the Beach

The Busy Tailor

 The Busy Tailor

Tom and Dick No. 11 - The Great Fight (Richmond Herald - Saturday 18 March 1922)

 Tom and Dick No. ...

Reviving Mother

 Reviving Mother

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