
Meeting for Our Dumb Friends League

 Meeting for Our D...

Keep Off the Grass

 Keep Off the Grass

Spotted Dogfish, the Scavengers of the Sea, Attacking a Weak Fish

 Spotted Dogfish, ...

The Devilfish

 The Devilfish

An Octopus Family

 An Octopus Family

Crayfish Contemplating the Division of a Dead Octopus

 Crayfish Contempl...

Familiar Quotations

 Familiar Quotations

The Dogs Hear of the Disturbance Caused by the Cat’s Election, and They Resolve To Restore Order -Richmond Herald - Saturday 01 July 1922

 The Dogs Hear of ...

They Make the Lady They Have Rescued as Comfortable as Possible. Then the Great Storm Overtakes Them

 They Make the Lad...

A Storm Brews, and the Pirates Decide To Throw the Lady Overboard To Appease Father Neptune’s Anger

 A Storm Brews, an...

Taking Refuge After Shipwreck, Upon a Desert Island, They Are Suddenly Surrounded by Native Cats, Who Look Very Hostile

 Taking Refuge Aft...

They Tried To Form a Concert Party, but Made Such a Noise That The  Audience Ran Away. While Mourning Their Failure, They Come Upon A  New Adventure

 They Tried To For...

Sojourners In A Strange Land

 Sojourners In A S...



Swarming Time

 Swarming Time



Wisdom While You Wait

 Wisdom While You ...

Outta My Way

 Outta My Way



The Wane of the Year (From Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News)

 The Wane of the Y...

Farm Hand: Have A Shot Or Two At That Sun, Sir, And Make It Weep. We Need All The Rain We Can Get After This Drought

 Farm Hand: Have A...



Fish-Eating Birds At the Fisheries Exhibition

 Fish-Eating Birds...

Reynard the Fox

 Reynard the Fox

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