
Inspired by the Japan-British Exhibition, 1910

 Inspired by the J...



Honor Among Thieves

 Honor Among Thieves

The Tale Of Naughty Kitty Cat

 The Tale Of Naugh...

Two Cats at Large

 Two Cats at Large

Three Cats Performing a Song and Dance

 Three Cats Perfor...

Apple Scrumping

 Apple Scrumping

The Tale Of Little Priscilla Purr

 The Tale Of Littl...

A Crabby Old Crab

 A Crabby Old Crab



An Amateur Reciter

 An Amateur Reciter

Alladin Dress-Up

 Alladin Dress-Up

The Dreamland Mascot

 The Dreamland Mascot

Water Babies

 Water Babies

Three of Kissingen

 Three of Kissingen

They'll Take the Smell Away, Sir!

 They'll Take...

The Kissingen Wink

 The Kissingen Wink

Be Brave Dear, It's All for Your Good!

 Be Brave Dear, It...

Patriotic Pigs

 Patriotic Pigs

The End of the Football Match

 The End of the Fo...

Off to Bedfordshire

 Off to Bedfordshire

A Beauty from Japan

 A Beauty from Japan

Three Little Kittens

 Three Little Kittens

Lost Mittens

 Lost Mittens

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