
Inspired by the Japan-British Exhibition, 1910

 Inspired by the J...





The Football Players (Jackson’ Always Scores)

 The Football Play...

The Cat's Picnic

 The Cat's Pi...

Skating on Thin Ice

 Skating on Thin Ice

Honor Among Thieves

 Honor Among Thieves

The Tale Of Naughty Kitty Cat

 The Tale Of Naugh...

Tibby and Tabby

 Tibby and Tabby

I am Just Off for a Holiday

 I am Just Off for...

Schoolroom Panorama

 Schoolroom Panorama

Mother Goose at Home

 Mother Goose at Home

Pillow Fight

 Pillow Fight

Playing with Dolly

 Playing with Dolly

The Meal-Time Mascot

 The Meal-Time Mascot

The Dreamland Mascot

 The Dreamland Mascot

Water Babies

 Water Babies

The Play's the Thing

 The Play's t...

The Introduction

 The Introduction

Jappy and Happy

 Jappy and Happy

I Say, I Didn't Ask For an Irish Stew!

 I Say, I Didn...

Le Voyageur

 Le Voyageur

Three Cats and a Plum Pudding

 Three Cats and a ...

Cinderella and Her Sisters (Loving Greetings)

 Cinderella and He...

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