
Sees a flock of dicky birds behind a rock.

 Sees a flock of d...



The Dandy

 The Dandy

But, Oh! 'Twas Newly Painted

 But, Oh! 'Tw...

Who Shaid P-Pusshy Foot?

 Who Shaid P-Pussh...



The Ninth Life

 The Ninth Life

Cat Playing Cricket

 Cat Playing Cricket

Then Puss-in-boots Set Out Upon His Mission As Happy As A King

 Then Puss-in-boot...

Apple Scrumping

 Apple Scrumping

Louis Wain Exhibition 1972-1973

 Louis Wain Exhibi...

Puss in Boots

 Puss in Boots

The Letter

 The Letter

Freddy Furrypoll

 Freddy Furrypoll



Cat's Cradle

 Cat's Cradle

The Farmer's Running Daughter

 The Farmer's...

Sweet Scented

 Sweet Scented





And All This Wetting for One Old Boot

 And All This Wett...

Scrumping Apples

 Scrumping Apples

With Louis Wain in Funland

 With Louis Wain i...

Left in Charge

 Left in Charge

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