
Wisdom While You Wait

 Wisdom While You ...

Thou Cakewalkest

 Thou Cakewalkest

With Compliments

 With Compliments

To His Dismay It Rained

 To His Dismay It ...

Making The Best Of A Bad Job

 Making The Best O...

No Eggs-aggeration

 No Eggs-aggeration

In Disgrace

 In Disgrace

Oh Whatever Can It Be!

 Oh Whatever Can I...

I'm Not Sure Whether A Side Parting Would Not Suit Me Better!

 I'm Not Sure...

How John Kissed Three Girls at One and the Same Moment

 How John Kissed T...

Two's Company, Three's None!

 Two's Compan...

Come On!

 Come On!

Before He Knew It, The Fishes Were Inside

 Before He Knew It...

Helping Granny Brighteyes Up

 Helping Granny Br...

The End of the Harem-Scared Skirt

 The End of the Ha...

Judge and Jury

 Judge and Jury

Where Is That Mouse?

 Where Is That Mouse?

The First Election

 The First Election

Fishing for Whelks at the Bottom of the Sea

 Fishing for Whelk...

The Pillowfight

 The Pillowfight

A Delicious Cup of Tea - Oh Dear, She Forgot to Put the Sugar in the Tea, And We Did Not Say Anything

 A Delicious Cup o...

Part of the Audience

 Part of the Audience



The Sketch

 The Sketch

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