
The Dog Show at Warwick

 The Dog Show at W...

Greyhound Kennels at Athelhampton, near Dorchester

 Greyhound Kennels...

Southdown Fox Terrier Club Show at Brighton

 Southdown Fox Ter...

Poultry and Pigeon Show at the Crystal Palace

 Poultry and Pigeo...

Out for an Airing

 Out for an Airing

Other People's Pets

 Other People'...

Noah's Ark, at Covent Garden Theatre

 Noah's Ark, ...

Bulldog Show at the Crystal Palace

 Bulldog Show at t...

Any Port in a Storm

 Any Port in a Storm

An Owlish Eccentricity

 An Owlish Eccentr...

The Cat Who Is Always Ill

 The Cat Who Is Al...



Gentleman Cat

 Gentleman Cat

I Really Don't Believe It!

 I Really Don'...

Into The Tub

 Into The Tub

Santa Claus - Presents of Clothes to the Children

 Santa Claus - Pre...

An Excellent Idea

 An Excellent Idea

The Paperboy

 The Paperboy

The Optimist

 The Optimist

He Finds Out How Much His Daughters Really Love Him

 He Finds Out How ...



Bear Hunting

 Bear Hunting

Have You Ever Seen a Sea Serpent?

 Have You Ever See...

Honeymoon Tours

 Honeymoon Tours

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